Saturday 2 May 2009

Meeeeeee n the Bee Gee

What was I thinking of? Imagine forgetting to post the photo of The Bee Gee n Mee after promising! Well ...

"Here we are, in a room full of strangers,

"Standing in the dark where his eyes couldn't see me (blue shades didn't help)

"Well I had to follow him

"Though he did not want me to."

Just kidding, I behaved with great decorum which is more than can be said for many of the other "adults" present. I was hosting and presenting the Diana Awards to children across Scotland who'd done something great for their community - I'm going to blog on it later so won't go into detail here.

Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees is the patron of the charity but he missed my great introductory speech where I managed to incorporate the lyrics of several of his songs including Jive Talking and Stayin' Alive - not easy to do and he missed it! I forgave him though and let him have his photo taken with me.

Michael who works for me told me it was a tad unseemly for an MSP to shove her way through swathes of primary school children so that I could get my pic taken with an international superstar. To be honest I was thinking "what kids?", I only had eyes for Robin but as I pointed out to Michael, they won't know who the Bee Gees are anyway!

I said I wouldn't change my blog style just because I'm an MSP but sadly, I am now going to have to spoil my story by pointing out that I'm joking and Michael was joking - no children were shoved aside in the production of this photo which is now at the printers being turned into billboard posters :-)

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