Saturday 8 May 2010

People power in the Coalition Street Soap Opera

Did you read my post earlier? The one about all the things I was going to do today having spent Friday glued to the TV watching developments unfold in the Coalition Street Soap Opera? Well I've done none of them!! Not true, I've read 4 pages of my book. Every time I turn away something else happens. Earlier this afternoon a crowd of 1000 plus gathered outside Lib Dem HQ shouting about voting reform.

They were making the point that the Lib Dems should only support whichever of the parties will back voting reform. They are quite right. And it's not going to be the Tories. If it is good but what do we do for the next 5 years? Just stand by and watch them cut our budgets and deny vulnerable people in desperate circumstances the support they need?

It's not that I think Labour is MUCH better, but they are not QUITE as right wing as the Tories and as I keep saying, their decision to move to the right in politics, gives the Tories the green light to move even further so it will be WORSE than it was last time. And whilst Labour might not be MUCH better, they won't get an awful lot done if they don't get the support of the SNP and Plaid Cymru.

Of course I wouldn't expect us to be holding them to ransom over and over (remember, we've handled minority government maturely in Scotland) but it will mean we can secure some concessions for Scotland thus softening the blow of the cuts that all three of the main Brit parties have promised! I hate talking about concessions, I don't want anyone else having control over my country but whilst they do, best to be in a protective position.

Anyway, it was great to see people out on the streets protesting peacefully but forcibly making their views known. Let's see if the Lib Dems sell out or hold firm.

My prediction now? Still a coalition with Lib Dems and Labour but no Gordon Brown at the helm. In fact I think GB has already made his mind up and will resign in the next few days. See if I'm wrong!

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