Saturday 25 July 2009

Looking down on creation

This image always makes me think of the Carpenters' Song "Top of the World". It was taken somewhere in the Hill Country in Sri Lanka - where I'm headed today!
I am going for a 2 week holiday to visit people I've not seen since I worked there over a year ago (have I mentioned Sri Lanka once or twice or thrice?).
However I've now added in a number of non holiday things to the itinery and I'm wondering how I'm going to fit it all in.
Will try and update the blog but may not get time. However before I go I'll just share one of my "events" with you. I'm speaking at a ceremony in Colombo for the Maryhill Monk! Banthe aka the Venerable Rewatha, is being confirmed as Chief Sangha Nayake (head monk) for GB. How random is that? Anyway I should make sure I have my passport and THEN blog! Ciao for now.

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