Sunday 27 June 2010

Germany vs England today

My mate Dave from Liverpoooool (who runs this World Cup website) lives in Berlin with his lovely partner Kordula from Deutschland. I was telling him I'd love to be a fly on the wall in their house today. He sent me this photo. Apparently this is how the pair will be until 3 o'clock on the dot and then the gloves are off!

So, anyway I've had to think long and hard about who I'm supporting today. No, really, I have! I lived in Germany as a child. But then again I lived in England as a child. My sister was born in Germany but my other sister was born in England. I have a Higher German but of course I have Higher English too. My brother lived in Berlin for a few years. Ah but he lived in London too. What to do? And then a friend reminded me that it was Germany who were good enough to bail out Greece. So, on those grounds and those grounds only, I say to you:

C'mon Deutschland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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